dibimbing.id - Digital Talent Solution

Discover High-Quality Young Talents and Outstanding Professionals from 4.000+ Alumni in Dibimbing.id Digital Talent Pool

Grow your company and elevate your team with talented digital experts, ranging from entry to senior levels.

Image Staffing and Onboarding

Over 700+ Companies Have Trusted Our Talents


Temukan Profesi Talenta Digital
Terbaik Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan Perusahaan Anda

Why Should You Hire Digital Talents from Dibimbing.id?

Job-Ready Talents

All Dibimbing.id talents have completed intensive 5-month training under the guidance of professional mentors from top tech companies.

Up-to-Date Curriculum

Our research team has meticulously designed a curriculum that aligns with the current needs of both local and international industries, ensuring its practical applicability in the workplace.

Impressive Portfolio

Our talents boast a remarkable portfolio from hands-on experience with real projects and carefully curated internships guided directly by our mentors.

Let's Collaborate with Our Talents!

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    Work full-time in your company
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    Talents have a direct employment contract with your company
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    Salary, insurance benefits, and other rights are determined and borne by your company
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    Work with a more strategic business system (project system)
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    Talents have contracts with Dibimbing.id
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    Salary, insurance benefits, and other rights are determined and provided by Dibimbing.id
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    Provide opportunities for Digital Talents to get to know and participate in your company's vision & mission
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    Talents can assist your company in executing real projects.

Project Result & Alumni Portfolio at Dibimbing.id

Discover the Finest Talents with Dibimbing Talent Solution (DTS)

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Company Name*


Number of employees*



Company Website*

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What type of recruitment do you need?*




What is the purpose of recruitment?*

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Our Team is Ready to Help Your Company Find the Best Digital Talents

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